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LIMITED AVAILABILITY FOR FALL 2019! CALL US TODAY! 217-355-1579 | It's Mardi Gras! Let the good times roll!!

Mardi Gras is a time of year when people like to let loose and enjoy the celebration of life. So what if you can’t make it to New Orleans this year? Host a party in your apartment!

  1. Kind Cake – twisted cinnamon roll with icing died purple, green and gold. All complete with a plastic baby inside! What’s that about? Wikipedia will answer all of your curiosities!


  1. Krewes (no we aren’t headed to Rio on a Cruise) – These private social clubs have been in place since the mid-1800’s. You can dedicate your party to one of these krewes like Rex who introduced the official colors of purple, green and gold. Or make one of your own!


  1. Beads on Beads on Beads – run to your local party store or jump on and order a ton of these bright and shiny décor fixtures of the holiday


  1. Decoration ideas are endless with this fun inspired holiday! Decorate your own masks,  beads everywhere, BYOB (bring your own boa), and purple, green and gold everywhere! Here are some ideas to throw your own masquerade ball. Small or large it could be a blast!


  1. Mardi Gras Fashion is a Must! Keep it festive and break out the glitter! Check out some mardi gras fashion in this link

No matter what you do to celebrate the Mardi Gras holiday, remember to keep it fun and safe! Take care of your friends and party guests, snap tons of pics and create memories for years to come!